Rewards Network
Rewards Network Overview
The aggregated data is based on reviews and questionnaires provided by PissedConsumer.com users.
Rewards Network has 1.0 star rating based on 9 customer reviews. Consumers are mostly dissatisfied.
- Rating Distribution
Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Do not use this program", "REWARDS NETWORK IS A SCAM", "Do not join no matter what lies they give you".
Consumers are not pleased with Billing Practices and Customer service. The price level of this organization is high according to consumer reviews.
The aggregated data is based on reviews and questionnaires provided by PissedConsumer.com users.
Rewards Network has 1.0 star rating based on 9 customer reviews. Consumers are mostly dissatisfied.
- Rating Distribution
Recent recommendations regarding this business are as follows: "Do not use this program", "REWARDS NETWORK IS A SCAM", "Do not join no matter what lies they give you".
Consumers are not pleased with Billing Practices and Customer service. The price level of this organization is high according to consumer reviews.

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerTerrible correspondence
Stephan barna was our sales representative. He asked us to send a email to cancel and simply ignored the request for nearly two months.
They charge you every week for sending customers but when its time to cancel all requests are ignored. A customer can come across your business on their own, and if they use a credit card attached to rewards network, even if they dont know about rewards network, rewards network still earns commission.
- Difficult to cancel
Preferred solution: Full refund
User's recommendation: Do not use this program
Stole $500 from my company and now do not return my emails
It was brought to my attention right in the middle of my busiest season of Mardi Gras via phone call, that, since my processor had switched, and was not compatible with Rewards Network that I would receive a $500 processor change fee.
That processor change fee hit my account and it is unacceptable after all the money Rewards Network made from my business in the short time of less than a year.
First off, our processor changed in October, and you have been charging fees through February, showing that your network, is and had been functional/semi functional.
It also tells me that if you only noticed this in February, and I switched in October, no one has been monitoring this account for the last five months. It does not shine with integrity.
Rewards Network took $206.34 in free business over Mardi Gras as I need no help getting people in the through the front door.
It should be more than suffice for your exorbitant $500 fee to restaurants that are just starting to pull themselves out of pandemic debt.
I was told at our first meeting by Kevin Steinkamp that I could cancel anytime. Yet I was hit with a $500 termination fee, after all the business that youve received from me.
After all the money that has been charged to me, this fee is not legitimate, and I am ready and equipped to take legal action against a company that never even sent a contract stating this fee.
After all, its not my fault that your company cannot support my processor. I let your people know well in advance in 2023 at the first meeting when I signed up for Rewards Network, that my processor will be changing in October to suit my new LAVU system, and no one at the meeting said anything to the extent of the repercussions of this change in advance.
This $500 fee is neither fair or honest.
Please return this email as quickly as possible so that we can get this resolved. In 14 business days, I will move forward with legal action.
If we cant come to a reasonable resolution for this, it is going to cost Rewards Network a lot much more than the $500 charged me bad publicity that will be sure to pass on to all my restaurant owner friends and social media.
You all should be ashamed of yourself, as neither Kevin or Jadah never responded to the emails I sent a month ago.
FYI, I will not go away or be ignored.
This is the final email before I will serve Rewards Network for financial damages and all court costs for lack of any proof of rights to such fees, and corporate greed leeching off small businesses.
User's recommendation: REWARDS NETWORK IS A SCAM

This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified ReviewerStay away
The worst experience I've ever had, it doesn't help at all and there are still countless charges. In my case, as a small restaurant, I was literally treated like nothing. stay away from the promises they said.
Preferred solution: Full refund
To let businesses to not be scammed
Reward network is the biggest scam it does exist they charge the restaurants and businesses for something they have not done to promote the business. They have a data pool of credit card numbers and if any of the customer comes to your business and use their credit card and it happens to be in the reward networks data pool guess what you will be charged a percentage of your sales and the sales tax even though Reward Network has not done anything to promote your business for that customer to come to your business. Some of my customers when I talk to them, they hadn't heard or seen anything about Reward Network but yet Rewards network had taken a percentage of These very customers spending.
I can't say enough scam scam scam scam.
Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution
User's recommendation: Do not join no matter what lies they give you
Scammers are Fraudulent
After spending 4 hrs with their “Field Expert” I was mislead to believe that, First they were driving in “New Customers”... Second, I was funded $5k with no strings attached other than to repay it back thru revenue generated by Rewards Network Customers at a 70% take of my income from each Sale.
I did agree to those terms.. however, the $5k turned into 10k... which is ludicrous!!! I never agreed to borrowing 5K only to have to pay back 10k which in reality is 100% interest and at 70% of my revenue.
It was a verbal 4 hr.
conversation between myself and their field expert. When the contract was available online for signature, I ask Is there anything in the contract that we didn’t verbally discuss, he assured me that there was not.
I have repaid what I borrowed and Now they’re trying to send me to collection for $5k I never received.
Scam don’t do it!!!!
Don’t sign up with this company. They increase fees 20 to 30% each and every week, even if sales decline, their fees will always increase.
Spoke with customers and no one ever said they came in because of this “rewards” network.
They found a way to take money from your current customers. With their % which includes tips and taxes, they take 30% or more from restaurant and they never do anything.
This review is from a real person who provided valid contact information and hasn't been caught misusing, spamming or abusing our website. Check our FAQ
Verified Reviewer |Reward Network does not bring new customers they just charge you
Since I join Reward Network my sales does not increase at all. I checked the transactions of the 20% commission they charged, most of them are my regular customers.
They don't come to our restaurant because of their advertisement.
Basically they just charged us for the customers whose credit cards are in their reward programs. Also they charge 20% commission based on the gross sales which include the taxes and tips which is ridiculous.
Fraud link for kfc gift for me to buy HULU. GLAD TO GET BUT FRAUD KFC 100 CARD
- Fraud
Preferred solution: STOP LYING
If I had only known... I would have asked the rep to never darken my door ever again!
After twp months of being a member of the rewards network I began to see the pattern. They were taking 20% of my current customers purchases that were already members of their network.
So no gains.. only losses! Perhaps after a few months I would see an increase showing what great advertisers they were and it would make up the loss by generating even more sales to cover the cost of the rewards network. Nope...
not even a 15% jump in sales.. just a 20% loss of revenue from my existing customers. I wrote to tell them to cancel.. they taxed 350$ on top of adding it as a 30 day notice to stop services.
They kept on stealing even after the initial rape of their cancelation charge. IN all I would recommend you to RUN.. not walk away from this company.. definitely not get into bed or take a check from them as a loan against future CC sales.
That would have been a mistake of epic proportions.
I definitely learned an expensive lesson from them.. JUST SAY NO!
- This service for my business at all
Preferred solution: Let the company propose a solution
Rewards Network - Internet Marketing Service Review from Williamsburg, Florida
It's most definitely a scam.
They charge "20%" for "new customers" and may give you a new/repeat scam saying only 7.5% after that.
What isn't explained in full detail is who their members are. They push idine on you but you'll have more luck finding a Clinton email before you see frequent visits to their out of date app. They tell you they have over 20 million members; yes, they do. And the chances of their members already being 25% of your regular customers is extremely more likely than their "marketing service" to attract new customers.
The reviews are mostly employees that are paid 33% back for dining there and 100% if they claim it as a "business meeting". They'll offer you dining credits claiming the payment is based only on their members. Correct; that 20 million group that you may already be seeing. With a stiff merchant cash advance upwards of 40% or better in interest.
They'll call it a "ratio" and take 9% of your daily credit card sales. Groupon will win. Market your product just below retail cost on Groupon so the customer has to spend a few more dollars out of pocket. Look at your cost.
Does that $20.00 meal you're giving away on Groupon for $10.00 cost you more than $10.00?
Don't get scammed.
Oregon Wineries Beware: Rewards Network Takes Its Fee for "Marketing Activities" on Pre-Existing Winery Club Members and Customers
Rewards Network promised our winery that they would provide us with new customers from their advertising in airline magazines. Despite their salesperson having assured our small Oregon winery that they would not be taking a cut from sales to pre-existing customers, they took up to 20% of sales on their first billing saying they were unable to determine whether one of their own members had been a club member before Rewards Network made contact with our winery.
When we attempted to specify our pre-existing customers and club members after receiving their billing for $81 on sales of $527 (primarily composed of club member shipments) their salesperson said that was not possible and hung up on the winery proprietor. The company then added additional billings as well as a "termination fee" of $375 and attempted to take that amount plus a billing for additional "marketing activity" of $37 from the winery bank account. This company is now marketing to wineries after focusing their sales on restaurants for many years.
They seem to have no understanding of the winery business and continue to reference our product as dining. Given their response, we recommend that wineries either avoid this so-called marketing activity by Rewards Network or, at least, insist upon a month-long trial without a termination fee.
Review in Financial Scams and Schemes category from Westampton, New Jersey
This is total scam so please stay away from them 1000 miles or infact run away from them these rewards network scam artists who are nothing and worthless guys that you can ever meet in professional business circles. They sold us all rosy stories of sending 1000s of customers to the door and hefty loans with low percentages and what they end up doing is claiming customers who are already dining or visiting through other channels like friends or family or ad or coupon or Facebook as their referral since they used same credit card for both the purchases in the restaurant and their online reservation or registration system.
What a bummer how they are able to run this business is with worth noting and investigating it. God save America and small businesses from these scammers.
Instant Rewards
A month ago I got Hydroxatone though Instant Rewards. The reason being was because I to be a member of Instant rewards your have to sign up for company trials then receive credit for trying out each and every trial product or subscriptions.
Any how among Hydroxatone, I there was some free trials and some trials but after X amount of days I would be charged a membership fee. For example freecreditreport.com, there would be a month free of charge then after that month I would be charged let's say 24.99. Now all the trials and subscriptions from that site I made sure to cancel but Hydroxatone was among one of the last trial offers that I canceled. This is where the problem began.
The trial through Instant Rewards was that I would get a set of items from Hydroxatone for the a trial period to try free of charge until a certain date then I would have to pay the full amount; the only thing I would have to pay is shipping and handling. I don't remember what items I got through the offer but I do recall like three to four face wash or lotions or cream items from the company. Anyways I was told that as soon as I got the items I could call to cancel my trial and all I would have to do is pay shipping and handeling sending the products back. I knew I didn't want the items already because I was doing this trial offer initially for Instant Rewards.
While waiting for the Hydroxatone I received a call from Hydroxatone thanking me for my order. At the time I didn't know because the lady was speaking so fast and there was so much information I was overwhelmed by the information I just said yes. MY MISTAKE. A couple months later I find I am charged on my account for 21.95 from Shoppers Advantage, 1.00 from Budget Savers, and was going to be charged 19.99 from Great Fun.
After numerous phone calls and tracking down why I was enrolled in these site it turns out Hydroxatone works with a company name Quality Resources. Quality Resourses was the company that called me on behalf of Hydroxatone thanking me for buy the product. On behalf of buying Hydroxatone products they talk you into being enrolled to other trial offers such as the Great Fun subscription, shoppers advantage, and budget savers. Through the overwhelming information and ads during the "Thank You call" I was enrolled quickly into those fricken programs.
Luckily I called and canceled each subscription and was refunded the money charged. The lesson I learned is never ever agree to any extra thank you gifts when you recieve a call from Hydroxatone. THEY ARE NOT GIFTS. Supposely I was sent a $25 Gift check from American Express for participating in the trial offer for Hydroxatone (WHICH I NEVER RECIEVED) and that gift check once its sent out or I don't it enrolls you into all three of those products and services.
What a headache.
Never ever will I pick up a thank you call after purchasing an item. JUST HANG UP!
Rewards Network Doesn't Reward Restaurant Owners
Four years ago my restaurnant was approached by a company called Rewards Network offering a "loan" which was to be paid back utllizing credit card sales from customers signed up in the Rewards program. We were told that the program would send new business our way but we could control the amount of business and thus deductions from our checking account. Rewards Network placed our restaurant on their website and customers started arriving some of whom were already our regular customers. Per our agreement, the "loan" payment would come directly our of our checking acccount. In fact, we were to give half of everything spent by Rewards customers back to the program. One of the first deductions from our checking account was over $4,000 in a week. When I approached Rewards and told them that they were sending too many of their customers my way and that $4,000 a week was excessive, they told me that I wasn't paying them back quick enough.
Unfortunately, after doing research on the company (which I was late in doing), I discovered that Rewards Network had lost a lawsuit in California to the tune of $64 million dollars. Restaurant in California had been treated in the same manner as me - basically this was loan sharking. Rewards will tell you that they are giving you the money you need by buying goods from you. In other words you "sell" them $100,000 worth of goods and they give you $50,000 for it and deduct loan payments from your credit cards sales to their members.
Do some research - all of the resstaurants in California who were part of the lawsuit are gone. Rewards
Network almost bankrupting my restaurant but we are surving in spite of excessive loan payments.
The day I no longer have to deal with this company will be a great day.
Sold me on a total scam!!!!
I own a restaurant / bar in Chicago and I was told that they would attract new "members" and that I had to sell them "dining credits" at a 2 to 1 exchange. I asked the rep if there was any way to see if their "members" were already dining at my place and he said no.
Now I find out that they have a report that would or could tell a business owner how many members are already dining at your place. It's called a CUR screen. What a scam!!!!!! Run away from these guys!
then I find out what cheap rewards they are actually offering their "members" 5%, 10%, 2 miles??? Give me a break...
who goes to a restaurant for 5% or 10% off???
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Thank you for sharing the information. Our sales margin is thinning by all this 3rd party deliveries already and we are struggling as is.
You are exactly right! This is a huge scam.
They are based out of Chicago so I can see why they don't see anything wrong with it. I'm letting all of my friends in the industry know about them so they won't get scammed too.